Since 1956 the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee volunteers have played an important role to help East County Schools Federal Credit Union stay focused on its membership. In serving on a Board of Director/Supervisory Committee, member-volunteers exemplify the Credit Union’s people helping people philosophy.
ECSFCU Supervisory Committee Volunteer Application
ECSFCU Board of Directors Volunteer Application
Supervisory Committee: Supervisory Committee members are appointed each year by the Board of Directors. Interested member-owners should complete an application.
Supervisory Committee members primary responsibility is to provide oversight for all internal and external examinations to ensure resolution of any exceptions noted.
Board of Directors: Board of Directors are elected by our member-owners. Board of Directors will serve three year terms in a rotating annual format with two seats open in 2025, three seats open for election in January 2025, and and so forth. East County Schools FCU bylaws require a minimum of two member-owners to be nominated for each open seat on the Board. Nominations can also be made by petition from member-owners.
The deadline to submit Board of Director nominations and petitions will be Friday November 8, 2024. All nominations must include a signed volunteer application from the nominee stating that he or she will serve if elected. Ballots will be sent to all primary member-owners in January. Should there only be one nominee for each of the two seats, there will NOT be an election by ballot, and no nominations from the floor will be accepted at the Annual Meeting.
- Complete and sign the Volunteer Application with your written statement of 100 words or less
- Return the application to the Nominating Committee via mail (or drop off at the credit union) by the
November 2024 deadline.
Annual Meeting and Elections
Annual meetings are open to all member-owners.
The most recent 2023 ECSFCU Annual Meeting and election results was held February 21, 2024.
The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 5:15pm in the El Cajon branch and via Zoom.

Committee Member - Supervisory Committee
To reach the Supervisory Committee members directly, please send correspondence to:
Supervisory Committee
PO Box 20400
El Cajon, CA 92021