The Member Experience - A Journey of Excellence
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The Member Experience - A Journey of Excellence

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Witnessing the rapid change to society with the advent of modern technologies, East County Schools Federal Credit Union (East County Schools/ECS) is embarking on a journey that will build on current success, develop new technologies, maintain our level of excellence, and embrace opportunities of the future. We conducted a Vision Planning Workshop as the first step in this re-imagining process. The workshop included the voices of our member-owners. This collaborative day generated six major categories of ideas that we are using to guide our way forward. From those ideas, emerged the following Voice of our Membership.

A High-Tech/High-Touch Experience
Continue to keep up with the times as newer, faster and more convenient technology is introduced (High-Tech), while keeping the quality personal interaction East County Schools is known for (High-Touch).

Provide Value
Ensure that East County Schools’ products and services continue to offer the best value possible.

Effective Communication Experience
Offer a variety of methods for members to communicate with East County Schools and continue to develop your social media presence.

Active Community Engagement
Continue to be an active supporter of the East County education community.

Welcoming In-Branch Experience
Provide an easy and pleasant experience when visiting an East County Schools branch.

Proactive Financial Wellness & Education
Understand and anticipate our needs at every stage of life.

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Members LoveECSFCU!

  • Cathy Sprecco with Koala - Australia 2015

    I had a fantastic trip to Switzerland and Austria this past summer with East County Schools FCU and the SD East County Chamber of Commerce. This was my 6th trip with this fun group! The Educator Tour, guided by the infamous Steve Devan, is the perfect way to truly see and experience any country. The train ride through the Alps was a personal favorite and such an amazing experience. Seeing and hearing cows and goats with real bells grazing on the side of the mountains made me want to sing a favorite "Sound of Music" song and look for Heidi or her grandpa around every turn! I really felt immersed in the culture. The extra servings of warm apple strudel helped too!

     I am a single traveler and all worries are put aside on these well-coordinated trips. Almost everything is taken care of for the travelers so I always feel spoiled! The fellow Educator Tour travelers that I have met from other districts and other walks of life have become my life-long friends! These trips are so dear to me that I have a separate savings travel account where I dedicate a small monthly amount to be ready for the next country!

    Come join us!

    Cathy Sprecco - Retired Lakeside Union School District Teacher